0,00 €
-26 %
Revenge of the Middle-aged Woman

Revenge of the Middle-aged Woman

Dátum vydania: 02.03.2009
Rose Lloyd was the last to suspect her husband of an affair, especially one with her friend Minty. Left alone, Rose starts thinking about the man she married, about how well she knew him, and about the girl she had been before she met him. Can she recapture a life where she put herself first?
Bežná cena knihy: 6,24 €
Naša cena knihy: 4,62 €
Ušetríte: 26 %
Zasielame: Vypredané
Detaily o knihe
Počet strán: 358
Rozmer: mm
Jazyk: Anglicky
EAN: 9780140290080
Rok vydania: 2009
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O knihe
Rose Lloyd was the last to suspect her husband of an affair, especially one with her friend Minty. Left alone, Rose starts thinking about the man she married, about how well she knew him, and about the girl she had been before she met him. Can she recapture a life where she put herself first?