0,00 €
-31 %
Dreaming of Dior

Dreaming of Dior

Charlotte Smith inherited a priceless vintage clothing collection from her godmother, Doris Darnell - more than 3,000 treasures dating from 1790 to 1995, from originals by Dior, Chanel and Balenciaga to a pioneer woman's daintily mended best dress. But then Charlotte unearthed Doris's book of stories about the dresses and the women who wore them ...
Bežná cena knihy: 21,94 €
Naša cena knihy: 15,14 €
Ušetríte: 31 %
Zasielame: Vypredané
Detaily o knihe
Počet strán: 292
Rozmer: 150x203x25 mm
Hmotnosť: 680 g
Jazyk: Anglicky
EAN: 9780732290399
Žáner: Angličtina ( tituly v Anglickom jazyku)
Typ: Knihy viazané
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O knihe
Charlotte Smith inherited a priceless vintage clothing collection from her godmother, Doris Darnell - more than 3,000 treasures dating from 1790 to 1995, from originals by Dior, Chanel and Balenciaga to a pioneer woman's daintily mended best dress. But then Charlotte unearthed Doris's book of stories about the dresses and the women who wore them...